La Roca Village_CN





















La Roca Village


绿树成荫的广场、喷泉和长椅,色彩斑斓的碎瓷砖马赛克,一杯Cava起泡酒以及一盘伊比利亚火腿,无不诠释着经典的加泰罗尼亚美学理念,也正是罗卡购物村与其中的150家精品店令人着迷的地方。罗卡购物村及其姐妹村拉斯咯扎斯购物村(Las Rozas Village)于1998年开幕,在当时为西班牙首创的零售方式,不仅拥有奢侈时尚与生活方式品牌,更提供超值优惠价格。



绿树成荫的广场、喷泉和长椅,色彩斑斓的碎瓷砖马赛克,一杯Cava起泡酒以及一盘伊比利亚火腿,无不诠释着经典的加泰罗尼亚美学理念,也正是罗卡购物村与其中的150家精品店令人着迷的地方。罗卡购物村及其姐妹村拉斯咯扎斯购物村(Las Rozas Village)于1998年开幕,在当时为西班牙首创的零售方式,不仅拥有奢侈时尚与生活方式品牌,更提供超值优惠价格。


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职务 地点 日期 Sort descending
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator Barcelona, ES, 08430 2025年2月7日
Barcelona, ES, 08430 2025年2月7日
PR & Influencer Manager
PR & Influencer Manager Barcelona, ES, 08430 2025年2月7日
Barcelona, ES, 08430 2025年2月7日
Senior Customer Knowledge & Insights Manager
Senior Customer Knowledge & Insights Manager Barcelona, ES, 08430 2025年1月22日
Barcelona, ES, 08430 2025年1月22日

One of Two Unique Shopping Destinations in Spain

One of Two Unique Shopping Destinations in Spain

What you can expect...

What you can expect...




A team of 120 colleagues working together with one common goal: to create an inclusive culture with a strong sense of belonging and commitment.


Weekly huddles, ‘tapas’ social gatherings, roundtables, fun team building exercises and summer parties… you’ll see our Values in action, creating an environment where everyone has the tools they need to become the best version of themselves.



A team of 120 colleagues working together with one common goal: to create an inclusive culture with a strong sense of belonging and commitment.

Weekly huddles, ‘tapas’ social gatherings, roundtables, fun team building exercises and summer parties… you’ll see our Values in action, creating an environment where everyone has the tools they need to become the best version of themselves.